An Open Letter

Dr. Niall J Buckley

Dear Friends,

Today I wish to share some personal information about me in this, my first letter to you. I recently enjoyed a pivotal birthday, you know, one of those that kinda force you to take a look back and do a little calculation about where you have been and take a good look and where The Plan is for the rest of your Life.

Being a Canadian physician, practicing for just over 30 years; thoughts about retiring soon and traveling/sailing.

An opportunity arose to get involved in an exciting new direction, still in the medical field.

This field is Wellness and Anti-Aging medicine.

In the last 5-10 years the science has evolved (and improved), the technologies have made large forward leaps and I now feel that this field could deliver significant benefits both to me and (older) Boomers like me.

stoptheclockI intend to share with you what I currently know about this new, emerging science, I promise to keep you informed of all new developments and I will provide you with useable, practical advice and information on what you need to do to effectively ‘Stop the Clock’.

Then we will learn how to Reverse the Clock.

If you are 40, 50, 60 or even 70 years of age, I can alert you to what strategies can push your body’s “real” age back 10 years or maybe much, much more.

Just for now I will tell you a little bit about me, my medical qualifications and why the information I am offering should have credence.

  1. I am a Canadian Medical Doctor.
  2. I have worked in active practice (in family practice) for 30 years.
  3. I have had a lifelong interest in the concept of Wellness as the Natural
    State; I have employed this thinking in caring for my patients over all of these year.

Ten or so years ago I became interested in the (then) new and (now) rapidly evolving field of Anti-Aging and Age Management medicine. I studied the information with a critical, scientific approach. I am now convinced that the science is mature enough for me to personally endorse it and, in addition to this endorsement to invest serious time and money in training with the Leaders in Anti-Aging training and certification in North America. I am currently enrolled in an intensive, university certified Fellowship Program in Anti-Aging medicine.

healthkeysI will receive my Certification in 2014.

So, in order to inform you more, I will be launching this website in January 2014.
There will be no price tag involved. If you find it interesting please let me know.

Your questions, comments, observations and suggestions are invited. I invite you to forward/share content on this website with friends and family who you think might be (also) interested.

From the start I will promise you 4 things.

  1. This website will offer you relevant advice on how to improve your current health and how to extend your quality of life so that you can enjoy fun, energy, productivity and good sex to age 80 and beyond.
  2. I will update this website monthly, probably around the middle of each month and I will tweet in between if anything relevant happens.
  3. I will provide well researched information. This may be based on peer-reviewed scientific articles from the industry journals or from various sources that are credible, if not actually based on published data. I will tell you where the information actually comes from (when relevant) and the level of credibility that I think it deserves.
  4. I will not be looking for or accepting any money from manufacturing companies or promoting specific company’s products.

Initially there will be no cost to you, your friends and family.

Niall J Buckley, BSc(Hons),MD.

“Let your food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food” (Hippocrates 460-377 BC)

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