The New Science of Aging

Dear Friends,

Here is my first Journal entry. I have kept it short and light.
Feel free to contact me with any questions and/or feedback.

Road to Wellness

1. What is the current reality of living to be old?

Realistically, most of us can expect to live to age 80 or beyond. The problem is that we cannot expect to have excellent health to that age unless we take specific measures to foster wellness and slow (or even reverse) aging. These “specific measures” will form the main theme as we talk more in the coming months.

2. How does the current “sickness management” model work (or not) and how do we need to adopt a different model to achieve our wellness and anti-aging goals?

The model employed in North America is “sickness management”. Frankly, they do a great job. Since I first graduated (30 years ago) the advances have been nothing short of amazing. So – people who would have died at age 40, 50, and 60 are now living to 80 years and beyond. Truly Amazing!

Unfortunately, most of them are not enjoying this new longevity. What is the benefit of living to age 80 if the last 20 years of your life is revolved around sickness, incapacity and pain?

So, to me, there needs to be a new model. This new model will focus on helping you to stay healthy. The model will involve active participation in your own health. It will be very proactive as opposed to a frantic response to an unexpected disease. Again, specific prescriptions will be discussed in the coming months. A forum of questions specific to your individual needs will be developed.

3. If your goal is to be healthy, virile, sexy, etc. to age 80 and beyond, then you best not die by accident. How can you insure yourself against stupid killer events?


  • Don’t smoke cigarettes. If you currently smoke, speak to your primary care Doctor.
  • If you do a lot of highway driving, select a vehicle that will do well in a head-on-collision.
  • If you are involved in sports that are potentially dangerous, (I race sailboats), take the safety courses and buy the best equipment.
  • Make an up-to-date will! No, this won’t make you die any sooner, but if you have an accident it will save your dependents a lot of grief, trust me, I just did a fancy one.
  • Have the screening tests done (by your Doctor) that can help you to be proactive about illness prevention. (I’ll tell you the important ones to get done annually).

Please e-mail me with your questions, comments and suggestions.

Be very well, live longer and younger.
Niall J. Buckley, BSc. MD

In coming months new Journal entries will include:

  1. A series of articles on nutrition
  2. A series of articles on exercise
  3. The facts (science) of vitamin and mineral supplementation. (What your diet can and maybe can’t give you)
  4. An article on Super Foods & Anti-oxidants

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