Proper (Anti-Aging) Nutrition – Part 3


Hello again friends,

In my preceding 2 Journal articles on nutrition, we have looked at some of the reasons why a majority of North Americans are overweight, unhealthy and lacking the essential zest for life that is so critical to an overall experience of wellness.

In this, the 3rd article we will begin to look at more specific, practical nutritional advice that you can (and must) begin to act upon right away.

We will begin by defining your nutritional goals. Broadly speaking, your goals should include;

  • Losing excess belly fat
  • Reducing the overall inflammatory load on your cardiovascular system
  • Reducing insulin resistance and circulating insulin blood levels
  • Facilitate your body’s own production of essential anti-aging hormones
  • Providing quality building materials for your new, stronger and sexier body
Think about the 3A’s; anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and alkaline. Then, let me introduce the other bad animal; Oxidative Stress (OS)

I’ll address this in great detail in an upcoming article. I will be equally happy to provide you with a personal preview explanation if you wish. Just e-mail me.

In this Journal post I want to give you a lot of important and actionable advise.

I’ll break it down into 6 headings.

  1. Why should you really care if you are overweight?
  2. 6 foods to avoid
  3. Protein with every meal, how much?
  4. Menu Suggestions
  5. A sample of your day’s meals
  6. Water

Why should you really care if you are overweight?

Apart from the very obvious desire to look attractive to yourself, your partner, or your partner to be, there are huge health advantages of being at your optimal body weight. Please don’t get me wrong; looking good has wonderful positive effects in and of itself.

If an individual is overweight there are adverse health consequences for most of us, the weight accumulates in the mid-section; this is abdominal obesity and it is a major cardiovascular risk factor. I’ll get into this a lot more and a lot deeper in future articles. For now, just understand that you are doing your heart a huge favor by reducing that spare tire!

Six foods to avoid

  1. All and any refined carbohydrates.
  2. All flour; all bread (Ezekiel 4:9 is ok in small amounts).
  3. White Rice. (Wild rice and Brown Rice are ok in small amounts).
  4. Potatoes. (Yams are ok, again occasionally).
  5. Pasta, sorry! Maybe on special occasions.
  6. Alcohol; OK in moderation. 1 glass of red wine per day for women, 2 glasses of red wine for men. Research has shown that this level of alcohol consumption has positive health consequences.

Protein with every meal; how much?

The experts tell us to eat 5 times a day; breakfast, lunch, supper, and 2 small snacks. Like most people, I find this idea approaching ridiculous; my eating habits are really 2 meals a day. The rough estimate is 20% calories from protein.

I am coming around to the idea of 3 meals and (maybe) 1-2 snacks. Especially as I begin my exercise module. So what’s for breakfast?

Menu Suggestions

Today we will look at some breakfast options.

What I’d like to do here is two-fold.

(1). I’m going to share with you what Penelope (my wife) and I have been doing for breakfast for the last couple of years.

Breakfast at the Buckley’s.

Monday to Friday Penelope prepares the raw juice, she uses a Breville Juicer and only organic produce.

Celery, 2 large sticks
Apple, 1 large
Ginger Root, 2 inches
Parsley, half bunch
Kale, 3-4 leaves
Carrot, 1 large
Lemon, 1 leave the rind on
Organic beet, 1 when available
Whisk in half – one teaspoon of spirulina powder and half – one teaspoon of organic tumeric.
Filtered water


On weekends I put on the chef’s outfit and get to work to feed my sweetie.


1 large red grapefruit, ½ each to start, then the main meal comprising
1 large free range poached egg (usually double yolk)
1 ripe avocado per person
Toasted Ezekiel bread
1 ts sprouted Chia seeds
dash sea salt, black pepper
designer flavoured olive oil and balsamic vinegar
2 cups each of fair trade organic coffee

Here’s a point of interest!

French Press coffee can raise LDL cholesterol!

I just learned this recently (at the Vegas course), we have used a French press for years, now switched to using a Chemex coffee maker. Any drip coffee-maker should be fine. Make sure it uses a paper filter!

(2) I want to give you a number of alternative breakfast menus. I’ll have them, along with lunch suggestions in my journal post.

Two things I’d like to share with you.

  1. This has worked for us; weight, body composition and important blood parameters have shown the benefits.
  2. Most people really need a meal plan designed specifically for them; and a custom exercise prescription. I’ll be offering these services beginning in July 2014. I can provide a personal or telephone consult with you, earlier if necessary; simply e-mail me.

A sample of your days meals

BREAKFAST: See above
LUNCH: Large Salad, Vinegar Dressing, Chicken Strips (or Tuna, Sardines)
DINNER: Salad; Green / Garden, as much as you want. Protein; 10-20% calories, package of card size. Vegetable; Low Glycemic vegetable.
SNACK: Small handful of Walnuts
SNACK: Small handful of Almonds

NOTE: Be careful with the (nut) snacks; they are great but very calorie dense so don’t eat a lot of them.


This is one of the earth’s most sustaining foods and under overlooked. We don’t drink enough of it. Most of us are chronically dehydrated and this condition also has adverse health consequences. Recommendations; you should drink a minimum of 2 litres of filtered or spring water each and every day; 3 liters is even better!

Ask a Question?

I will be happy to answer any questions that you may have, related to this Journal article. I will post my answers to the 10 most frequently asked questions on the website.

For More Information

See: Nutrition – Recommended Reading & Links

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