About Niall Buckley, M.D.


Friends, as I am about to introduce you to my new Wellness (and Anti Aging) website, I guess you should have some notion of my personal, educational and medical-professional background. I offer you my personal biography.


drnbchilddogI grew up in Ireland in the peaceful south. My dad was an engineer and my mother a homemaker. Dad suffered from (crippling) rheumatoid arthritis, so I became his (reluctant) apprentice as we did any manner of projects around the family home. While neighbourhood kids were playing football on the street, I was helping him. I guess I resented it a bit at the time – now I appreciate it as an apprenticeship which I bring forward to today’s hobbies.


My mother encouraged me to go into the (Catholic) priesthood. In a rare flash of adolescent in sight, I recognized that this notion was doomed to failure – several close relatives had been drummed out of the clergy for sex with Nuns!

As I mentioned, my dad was an engineer; really quite an achievement in Ireland in those early years of the Independent Republic. He did not think that his (considerable) talents were appreciated as much as he would have liked and encouraged me to pursue the trades. I choose not to and remain extremely happy with my decision then and my career now.

My academic achievement, prior to University were of a twofold nature.

When I did work hard, I did really well, when I thought I was too smart to need to do any work, well, I didn’t do that well. University really smartened me up.

I quickly learned that I was not likely to be given a second chance if I failed the first time – I learned that lesson early on and graduated with two degrees and a great appreciation of the integrity and calibre of the university.


Dr. Niall J. BuckleyWhen I completed my medical degree, work for young doctors was scarce in Ireland and doctors were needed in other countries. I applied for a number of positions outside of Ireland and took the first job that was offered to me – rural Newfoundland. That was an education in itself. I have since moved from Newfoundland to the neighbouring province of Nova Scotia, where I still practice family medicine.


For reasons that I could not easily explain to you (or even myself), I have always had a very cautious approach to commercially produced drugs and their claims. I have embraced (and encouraged) Wellness from the beginning. It just seemed sensible to me. I did extensive reading. I promoted the lifestyle approach and I tried to give example by my own personal life choices. I council on obvious things like smoking and obesity. I go a little further and council on diet and exercise and I don’t mean the Canada Food Guide.


Earlier this year (2013) I committed to study for a Fellowship and Certification in Anti-Aging Medicine. This Certification is offered by the foremost authority in Age Management Medicine in the USA.

The science is now solid, the time is upon us. I think people are ready for education on Wellness and Anti-Aging. This is my new career direction and I hope you will join me as we explore the new science together.

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