Blog Archives

A Primer on Exercise – Part 1

A Primer on Exercise

Today we are going to start on the second pillar of the wellness formula – exercise.
I heard a rumour, recently that the Pharma industry was working on a pill to replace exercise! Man, have they got a job ahead of them!

Let’s look at what they would have to achieve.

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Proper (Anti-Aging) Nutrition – Part 3


Hello again friends,

In my preceding 2 Journal articles on nutrition, we have looked at some of the reasons why a majority of North Americans are overweight, unhealthy and lacking the essential zest for life that is so critical to an overall experience of wellness.

In this, the 3rd article we will begin to look at more specific, practical nutritional advice that you can (and must) begin to act upon right away.

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Proper (Anti-Aging) Nutrition – Part 2

As touched on in my first Journal post on Nutrition, it goes without saying that as the green plant needs the sun for energy production, we humans need food and water. We have learned that if we eat too much, we get fat and if we eat the wrong kinds of food, we succumb to disease. It is important, therefore to give considerable thought to what constitutes healthy choices for our food.

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Proper (Anti-Aging) Nutrition – Part 1

Good Nutrition

Our journey to explore the current science of Anti-Aging will take us into (and through) a variety of subjects. Some of the newer topics will explore and examine such subjects as hormone optimization. Any wellness program, however, must start with the three bases; nutrition, exercise and relaxation.

Today’s Journal post will begin to address the first of these three – nutrition.

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Nova Scotia 55+ Games Society

As part of my commitment to encourage a healthy and active lifestyle – I would like to take a moment to let you know about the Nova Scotia 55+ Games Society.

Like the Canada 55+ Games Association, their mission is to bring together individuals from across the province, aged 55+, to an event featuring games of both physical and mental challenges, and at the same time provide a venue emphasizing social interaction.

The Nova Scotia 55+ Games Society was formed in November of 2003 under the initiative of the Nova Scotia Senior Citizen’s Secretariat (now known as the NS Dept. of Seniors).

Through bi-annual Nova Scotia 55+ Games, as well as support for any other like games at the Regional, Zone or community levels, the Society encourages a healthier and more active lifestyle for older adults in Nova Scotia.

It must be emphasized that they are not necessarily looking for the elite athletes in each activity, but there is nothing stopping them from participating as long as they are willing to having a good time – which, after all, their main objective.

They are now preparing for the 2014 Canada 55+ Games which are scheduled to be held in Alberta on August 27-30th.

For more information I encourage you to visit their website at:

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Health & Wellness Journal on YouTube

My new Channel is now available on YouTube where you will find a growing collection of videos on various subjects published on my website. I will also create a series of playlists that feature videos from other sources offering worthwhile information.

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The New Science of Aging

Dear Friends,

Here is my first Journal entry. I have kept it short and light.
Feel free to contact me with any questions and/or feedback.

Road to Wellness

1. What is the current reality of living to be old?

Realistically, most of us can expect to live to age 80 or beyond. The problem is that we cannot expect to have excellent health to that age unless we take specific measures to foster wellness and slow (or even reverse) aging. These “specific measures” will form the main theme as we talk more in the coming months.

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An Open Letter

Dr. Niall J Buckley

Dear Friends,

Today I wish to share some personal information about me in this, my first letter to you. I recently enjoyed a pivotal birthday, you know, one of those that kinda force you to take a look back and do a little calculation about where you have been and take a good look and where The Plan is for the rest of your Life.

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